On Friday 18th March, 13 Year 12 students were selected to attend a formal interview at Ashurst based on their CVs. Ashurst is a leading multinational law firm in the country, with offices in nearly 20 countries.
Our sixth form students attended an assembly where CEO Logan Mair gave our young people great advice on producing a strong CV and conducting a successful interview. Students then worked hard on preparing their CVs, which were collected and sent to Ashurst.
Through the competitive selection process, 13 students were invited to attend a formal interview at Ashurst.
Congratulations to Aqifa Ahona, Khairul Islam, Edward Kelly, Kadija Khanom, Lewis Roe and Max Roe! They were the six students selected to attend a weeks’ worth of work experience at Ashurst in July. We wish them all the best in this incredible opportunity!