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7 March 2024

World Book Day 2024!

Happy World Book Day!

In our assemblies last week, we reflected on the importance of independent reading for pleasure ahead of this year’s World Book Day. Directors of Learning shared their book recommendations and paid tribute to books which had been influential in their lives.

The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go.

Dr Seuss

World Book Day is a worldwide celebration of books and reading began in 1995. All Central Foundation students have received a digital £1 book token and have the opportunity to exchange this for a short free book or a £1 reduction on a book of their choice at one of these participating retailers which can be found by clicking: HERE. Please Click HERE to download the token.

The book tokens are valid from Thursday 15th February to Sunday 31st March 2024.

We encourage students to enter the design a national book token competition, more information can be found: HERE

To all our students and wider community, happy reading always!

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