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26 July 2023

The Central Baccalaureate – Accredited by the National Baccalaureate Trust

Central Foundation Boys’ School has been accredited by the National Baccalaureate Trust (NBT). This means, our Baccalaureate programme, the Central Baccalaureate, meets the rigorous requirements set out by the NBT.

These demonstrate that Central Foundation is providing a broad curriculum both academic and extra-curricular that allows students, of all abilities and proficiencies, to thrive at school. The NBT states that a school with accreditation has the framework in place to ensure that every young person is able to gain the knowledge, skills and personal attributes required to become:

  • Ambitious, knowledgeable, inquiring learners, ready to learn throughout their lives
  • Enterprising, creative contributors, ready to play a full part in life and work
  • Responsible, principled and informed citizens of their community, England and the world
  • Healthy, confident individuals, ready to lead fulfilling lives as valued members of society

We have also achieved our Silver Award for Skills Builder, which we have been working towards this academic year. This award is demonstrative of our teachers and students being able to identify essential skills for young people to succeed and shows that Central Foundation provides ample opportunities to allow our students to practice and hone essential skills such as problem-solving, staying positive and aiming high.

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