About the Course

Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) and Citizenship aims to develop the knowledge and skills students need to be able to participate in politics and prepare them as young people and adults.

KS3 include two lessons per fortnight

KS4 which takes place twice a week during registration.

What they will learn

Topics taught include:

  • Introduction to PSHE and Identity
  • Relationships and Sex education
  • Substance abuse including alcohol, tobacco and other drugs
  • Emotional well-being and Mental Health
  • Healthy lifestyles
  • Prejudice and discrimination
  • Planning for the future- Careers education
  • Politics and government
  • Financial education
  • Risk and safety
  • Media literacy
  • Community


There is a strong focus on culture, diversity and society throughout the study of these different topics.  Students are taught to research issues, to use evidence to support their opinions and to look at both sides of debates.

How it will be assessed

Students are assessed each TOPIC by a range of different tasks designed to develop both their research and communication skills.


A level Law, A level Critical Thinking.


Law and Politics. Health and Social care.

PSHE Coordinator:

Ms Hashi
