About the Course

At CFBS all our students will study Geography until the age of 14 (end of year 9). A large proportion of our students will then go onto to choose Geography as one of their options choices for GCSE, ages 15 and 16, and many then choose to continue their learning at in our sixth form studying A level Geography. 

Geographers hold the building blocks to our collective future. So many of the world’s current problems boil down to geography and we need the geographers of the future to help us understand them – Climate change, sustainable food production, natural disasters such as earthquakes and tsunamis, the spread of disease (pandemics), the reasons for migration, population growth, inequality and the future of energy resources. 

These are just some of the great challenges facing the next generation of geographers and this why Geography is such an important subject within our curriculum.

Faculty Leader:

Mr Sharp


A Level Geography
