About the Course

Students are introduced to the process of drama and the elements of making theatre throughout Year 7-9. Core skills and knowledge are developed through practical exploration. Students will learn how to give and receive constructive criticism in order to develop and improve their work and become well practiced in understanding how to give work meaning.

In KS4 the course focuses on developing the students’ ability as actors, directors and designers, creating and examining theatre through a combination of practical work, written controlled assessment, and an examination of a set text and review of a live performance seen.

A Level drama and theatre studies builds on and develops the students understanding and passion for drama and theatre. The course provides a diverse yet in depth understanding of how theatre is made across our shared history and cultures developing skills of empathy, critical thinking and imaginative exploration.

Educational opportunities include a pathway to humanities degree at University or Drama School which could include acting, directing, design or stage management. An A-level in drama can also lead on to a degree in many other subject areas that are not performance based such as law, teaching, marketing, business etc.



Faculty Leader:

Ms Russell
