About the Course


A GCSE qualification in Business aims to encourage you to be inspired, moved and challenged by following a broad, coherent, satisfying and worthwhile course of study. The GCSE will prepare you to make informed decisions about further learning opportunities and career choices.

What they will learn

A GCSE qualification in Business will enable students to:

  • Actively engage in the study of business and economics to develop as an effective and independent student and as a critical and reflective thinker with an enquiring mind.
  • Use an enquiring, critical approach to distinguish facts and opinions, to build arguments and make informed judgements.
  • Develop and apply knowledge, understanding and skills to contemporary issues in a range of local, national and global contexts.
  • Appreciate the range of perspectives of different stakeholders in relation to business activities.
  • Consider the extent to which business activity can be ethical and sustainable.
How it will be assessed

100% External examination

Unit 1: Investigating Small Business – Examination (50% of final grade) externally assessed.
Unit 2: Building a Business – Examination (50% of final grade) externally assessed.

Exam board



Head of Department

Ms Gray


Financial Capability

Financial capability is a key life skill and as a school we recognise the importance of all young people having the ability, knowledge and confidence to manage their money well, now and in the future. In light of this, we are pleased to announce that Central Foundation Boys’ School are working towards becoming a Centre of Excellence for financial education. We are working in partnership with Young Money to achieve this within the next school year and then to maintain and share good practice. The school has been able to secure this programme thanks to its partnership with Allianz Global Investors, who have supported the school in a number of ways, including work experience and internships and now with an investment to make the school a Centre of Excellence.

We believe that regardless of background or income level, financially informed young adults are better able to take control of their circumstances, improve their quality of life, and ensure a stable future for themselves and their families. We therefore intend to provide our students with a programme of financial education to equip them with the confidence and competence to manage their money well. Our vision is to inspire educated financial decision making for our students – now and into their future.

Financial education for our pupils will mean that in addition to learning how to manage their money, they will also learn how to become critical consumers. They will consider the risks and emotions associated with money and understand the important role that money plays in our lives.

The school will be delivering this financial education through its curriculum from Year 7 to Year 13.


A Level Business

A Level Business

Vocational Business & Hospitality

Vocational Business and Hospitality