A Level Politics

A Level Politics

Course Outline

Over the two-year course, you will acquire an in-depth knowledge and understanding of both the UK and the US political systems, key political ideas as well as the aims and workings of the European Union (especially within the UK context). You will develop good analytical, debating and essay writing skills. You are also encouraged to approach each topic with an open mind and to examine contemporary issues from more than one viewpoint.

In Year 12: You will study two modules including an in-depth study of the UK political system, its workings and participation within it. You will also examine political ideas such as liberalism, conservatism and socialism, along with an in-depth study of the European Union.

In Year 13: You will study two modules including an in-depth study of the US political system and how it works, together with a detailed examination of modern ideologies such as: feminism, ecologism and multiculturalism.

Exam board

Edexcel – The full specification may be found: HERE

Head of Humanities

Mr Russell


Entry Requirements