A Level English Literature

A Level English Literature

Course Outline

A level English Literature can broaden horizons by opening up a world of different cultures and experiences to readers. This is one of the most enjoyable aspects of exposure to literature and so students should expect to read a broad range of texts from a range of eras. Students will also need to be reading independently throughout the course, starting with a recommended list of titles from the literary canon. 

Literature can give insight and encourage empathy in its readers and so is valuable in helping to develop one’s understanding of the world and create more effective relationships. In addition, the course supports students in writing critical and academic essays: essential skills for success in higher education, whatever the discipline.

Coursework has been replaced by the Non-Exam Assessment, a component which is designed to allow students to read widely, to choose their own texts (if appropriate) and to understand that contemporary study of literature needs to acknowledge that varying interpretations can be valid. The opportunity to work independently on tasks which reflect their own particular interests offers students the chance to hone their research and evaluative skills and allows them to apply some of the theories and concepts introduced over the course.

Exam board


Head of English

Mr Adams


Entry Requirements