Behaviour and Pastoral Care

Your son will be well looked after. Our pastoral system ensures that all boys stay in their tutor groups for their whole time at the school, supported by their Directors of Learning, although they are not taught in these groups. This provides them with stability and security. Counselling and mentoring is available for boys who need support.

Each Year group has seven form groups. Form time provides the opportunity for development of literacy and a love of reading through our reading programme as well as the delivery of spiritual, moral, social and cultural education.

Praise and reward

Good work and behaviour are recognised and rewarded. Merits are issued to students throughout the school day and are recorded so that recognition can be given in assemblies and awards given at the end of each term.  In celebration assemblies, we also recognise and reward the students who have made best progress and highest achievements in Assessment Points which take place twice a year for each Year group.

Merits are awarded for:

  • A polite greeting
  • An act of kindness
  • Community spirit
  • Helping others
  • An outstanding artistic performance
  • Outstanding listening
  • An outstanding oral contribution
  • Outstanding reading allowed
  • Outstanding sports performance
  • Outstanding written work
  • Perseverance, resilience and effort
Golden Tickets

Each teacher awards one Golden Ticket in every lesson that they teach.  The Golden Ticket is awarded to the student who has performed in the most outstanding way in that lesson.  A golden ticket is worth two merits.

Founder’s Day

Founder’s Day, in memory of the school’s founder, Reverend William Rogers, is held annually in November. This is our prize-giving celebration when students receive books, cups, trophies and scholarships in recognition of their outstanding achievements.

At Central Foundation we always put emphasis on praise and reward, rather than punishment, to achieve good care and control.


At Central Foundation, we believe that outstanding behaviour in school is a pre-requisite for learning. Our behaviour system is built on genuine mutual respect, kindness and a calm focus on learning.  We have ambitious expectations of students’ behaviour in all lessons, assemblies, lesson transitions and times spent in social spaces.

Students will need reminders when they are not able to display the right behaviour whilst at school.  These reminders and warnings are given in the form of demerits which deduct points from the students’ merit totals.

The school monitors the pupils’ behaviour, puts in strategies to improve that behaviour and encourages parental involvement in supporting the school to maintain our high standards.

We place an emphasis on protecting the learning of all students and therefore, in the instances where warnings and demerits do not nudge a student back on track, we have a removal system which protects the learning of other students in the classroom.

Attendance and Punctuality

Students need to attend school regularly to achieve their full potential. Attendance and punctuality are, therefore, closely monitored and we expect all students to aim for an attendance of 98% or over. Time spent out of the classroom for any reason is a loss of learning time.


Each Year group has a Year assembly once a week.  This gives the Director of Learning the opportunity to develop the cultural capital of the students and give rewards and recognition to those students who are exhibiting the best learning behaviours.