School Announcement - OPEN EVENTS - We will be holding our Sixth Form Open Evening on Thursday 28th November. - Click Here to Read More and Book a Place on a Tour

Students with SEND

Our approach of assess, plan, do, review (quality-first teaching) ensures that all students’ support plans are consistently updated and reviewed.  Our Curriculum is written to provide ample opportunity for retrieval of core knowledge, enabling subject content to be committed to long-term memory. We have a half-termly workbook review cycle which is informed by monitoring of student work including checking accessibility. These checks are used to implement any amendments needed to ensure these workbooks provide appropriate scaffolds and challenge. Classroom teachers and support staff are well-trained in providing appropriate support and individual access arrangements in order for all students to access, retain and apply our curricular content. Our Curriculum and Inclusion leads work with a range of local bodies to curate a bespoke training programme that is specific to our students’ needs. This plan for training is consistently reviewed and updated in response to student along with the professional and knowledgeable input of relevant local bodies. This training is delivered through Thursday briefings, whole-school notices, external CPD and INSETS. In line with the priorities as laid out by Islington Council’s Accessibility Strategy (2020-22) we continue to review our curriculum in order to apply their promoted person-centred approach in supporting access to the Curriculum for children and young people with SEND.

More details can be found here

High-prior attaining students

Our ambitious curriculum challenges all students individually. Our workbooks are consistently reviewed to ensure all students are challenged every lesson through a range of activities that progress to complex thinking and discipline-specific thinking. Our curriculum writers ensure there is ample opportunity for independent practice. Our homework is designed to challenge all students with a range of optional extra tasks to push our higher-prior attaining students. Our range of challenging extra-curricular opportunities such as ‘the history of ideas’ and Debate Mate underpin the academic development of our higher-prior attaining students.