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28 November 2022

Founder’s Day 2022

On Friday 25th November, we invited parents, trustees and governors to Founder’s Day, our inaugural prize giving day to celebrate the school’s founder, Reverend William Rogers, and the achievements of its students.

This was a fantastic event where prizes were awarded to students in every year group, for most progress and highest attainment in specific subjects or for demonstrating our core values: be your best, be a learner, be respectful and kind, be brave.

The Bendy Scholarship was awarded to Imad R and Ifaz U, the top performing A Level students who went on to study engineering at university this September. The Dr Beck Scholarship for exceptional progress was awarded to Samuel (Y10), Abdirahman (Y12) and Emmanuel, a recent school leaver.

Additional special prizes awarded were The John Boston Scholarship for exceptional attainment which went to Dante in Y10, Yu and Reaz who have recently left our sixth form. Finally, The Montcalm Scholarship for achievement in vocational learning went to Ridwaan who has also recently left sixth form.

We listened to inspiring speeches from our head teacher, school captain, chair of governors and most significantly, our guest speaker, Ms Zahra Joya, who spoke about the challenges she faced when living under the Taliban. She has a special connection to the school as her sibling attends our sixth form.

We thank all the attendees of our Founder’s day and congratulate all our prize winners for their excellence, we hope you feel proud of your achievements!

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