Central Baccalaureate

Central Baccalaureate

The major development in the school provision was the launch of the Central Baccalaureate programme, following the school’s successful application for accreditation by the National Baccalaureate Trust (NBT).

Cooking Club

The NBT is a foundation inspired by the International Baccalaureate which aims to develop the academic proficiency of students, but also looks to develop the character of young people. The aim of the NBT is to support all schools to put a programme in place that ensures every single student engages in a rigorous academic curriculum, develops skills in a broad range of physical activities, engages in leadership opportunities and contributes to the school and wider community, and develops cultural capital and experience through activity in music, performance and the arts. We are amongst a small number of schools with accreditation; affirmation of our existing broad and ambitious existing offer, as well as our intent on expanding this still further. We are looking to achieve, as close as possible, to 100% student engagement in the baccalaureate across the school in the next three years. To achieve the Central Baccalaureate all students must attend at least one culture activity and one physical activity throughout the academic year. We define attendance at such an activity as meaningful engagement over an extended period of time. Our vision for the Central Baccalaureate is to celebrate the progress and engagement of our students that align with our core values of ‘Be a learner; be brave; be kind and respectful’. The three strands of the National Baccalaureate Trust, Core Learning, Personal Project and Personal Development, are linked to each of our school values. These are demonstrative of Central Foundation Boys’ School recognition that an education is so much more than academic outcomes: it is the development of character; it is the experience of contribution to the school community; it is the nurture of artistic or practical talents and interests.

The Central Baccalaureate award recognises the development of student character. The students achieve the award through:

  1. Core learning : in the classroom
  2. Personal Project: in Year 8, Spring 2 and Summer Term, modelled on the EPQ
  3. 80 hours of Personal Development:  attendance at projects, clubs, fixtures, performances which add greater depth to their educational experience and contribute to the school community.

Board Games Club

The delivery of the Central Baccalaureate is supported by an annual donation from the Hearn Foundation set up by a CFBS alumnus. This additional funding allowed the school to expand the provision and to build a team responsible for the delivery of the programme. We are in the early stages of the Central Baccalaureate programme but the student participation in the co-curricular provision has already significantly increased to 63% of students regularly attending a club. Currently, the school offers 70 clubs before and after school, including sports activities on Saturdays.

50 things to do before you are 15 club

Click Here for the Co-Curricular Timetable 2024-25

Drama and Production


Public Speaking and Debating
