In our assemblies last week, we reflected on the importance of independent reading for pleasure ahead of this year’s World Book Day. This has a plethora of benefits including improved writing skills, vocabulary acquisition, improved well-being, empathy skills, concentration and general knowledge.

“A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. The man who never reads lives only one.”
World Book Day is a worldwide celebration of books and reading began in 1995. All Central Foundation students will receive a £1 book token and have the opportunity to exchange this for a short free book or a £1 reduction on a book of their choice at one of these participating retailers which can be found by clicking: HERE.
The book tokens are valid from Thursday 16 February to Sunday 26 March 2023. For the first time this year, this £1 book token is digital, not in paper form. Please click HERE.
The BBC have organised a live lesson which will take place on Thursday 2nd March for all Y7 students: World Book Day 2023 – Live Lesson – BBC Teach
We encourage students to enter the design a national book token competition, they can download the gift card template via this link.
To all our students and wider community, happy reading always!