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25 July 2023

Celebration of Culture

In the penultimate week of the summer term, pupils at Central Foundation Boys’ School celebrated their rich cultural diversity by taking part in a variety of activities. Each year group hosted their own snack/bake sale with food kindly donated by parents and carers or which the young people themselves made at home.

The student council delivered a series of inspiring assemblies which educated their year group about particular cultural backgrounds.

The Year 12 students were able to take in a Bollywood dance performance whilst Years 7 to 10 took part in a collaborative art piece and a Chinese calligraphy workshop.

A huge thank you goes out to the parent community for supporting this week by donating delicious food. The school raised an impressive £1000 for the children’s charity, Unicef.


Culture by Yves (Year 7)

It is what makes us, us,
It is a complex family tree
From before our time, to who we are now,
It is all our ancestors that evolved on all lands,
But it is more than that,
It is a shared feeling that connects all of us as humans,
Our own mother tongue, echoing through other languages
We share our own food, religion, skills and knowledge,
We express ourselves not just by who we are individually,
But as a whole community,
Our lands, connected,
We all share who we are with other,
And that is what really makes us, us.

What the students had to say about Culture Week

“It’s important to celebrate different cultures because it encourages diversity and builds a stronger community”

“Culture week is important because everyone can share their interesting culture.”

“It is important that we celebrate different cultures so that everyone can feel included and be part of a community.” Ryan Fail Ali Year 7

“It is important to celebrate culture because culture is what makes me who I am”  Horeb Asmerom Year 9

“I think Culture Week is awesome 🙂”

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