Staff and Governors

As part of our commitment to improving communications between parents and teachers, the contact details of Directors of Learning and the Senior Leadership Team are listed below.

Directors of Learning

Year Group Director of Learning
Extension Number
Year 7 Ms Bennett 243
Year 8 Ms Bloxham 230
Year 9 Ms McColl 350
Year 10 Ms McMenamin 751
Year 11 Mr Russell 765
Year 12 Ms Patel 760
Year 13 Ms Nedjdet 208
Attendance and Punctuality Ms Arpino 777


Senior Leadership Team

Leader Title Extension Number
Mr Brownhill Headteacher 742
Mr Barker Deputy Headteacher Responsible for Years 12 and 13 (KS5 Lead) 796
Mr Dilley Deputy Headteacher – Pastoral Lead 724
Ms Harries Deputy Headteacher – Curriculum Lead 769
Ms Careswell Assistant Headteacher – Curriculum 232
Ms Chawluk Assistant Headteacher – SEND and Designated Safeguarding Lead 701
Ms Kennedy Assistant Headteacher Responsible for Years 7, 8 and 9 (KS3 Lead) 249
Ms Oladimeji Assistant Headteacher Responsible for Years 10 and 11 (KS4 Lead) 358
Ms Chiano Finance and Resources Director 354


Once voted in or nominated, the Governor will serve a four-year term of office.

  • Staff often re-nominate one of their representatives without opposition from other candidates, so an election is not held and they automatically retain their governorship.
  • Foundation Governors are also frequently re-nominated for more than one term of office.
  • All Parent Governors always serve one term of office, although there is nothing to prevent them from putting themselves forward for a further term.

The number of governors can vary, dependent on the school governors Instrument of Government (which is signed off by the Local Authority). In a Voluntary Aided School, the number of Foundation Governors always forms a majority.

For more information:

Contact the Governing Body

To contact the Governing Body directly:

  • By post: Mr Simon Dodds, Chair of the Governing Body, Central Foundation Boys’ School, Cowper Street, London EC2A 4SH
  • By email: Clerk to the Governing Body, Mr Joel Un:

The Chair of the Governing Body can be contacted by post via the address above, or by e-mail via the Clerk

Foundation Governors
LEA Governor
Parent Governors
Staff Governors