We are currently not proposing any changes to the policy but would welcome parental views and comments in respect of it. We will host a consultation session on Tuesday 24th September at 4pm at the school.
Central Foundation’s students are celebrating a record-breaking set of A level results. At all grade levels the students exceeded all previous cohorts’ outcomes - 30% of A level grades at A*/A , 61% at A*-B and 87% at A* to C.
Our Local Authorities are offering a range of activities for the long summer break ahead. Amongst the offer are a mix of different activities (canoeing, kayaking, basketball, etc) and opportunities (Barbering course, Barrista course, lifeguard course, etc). There is also well-being and mental health support available for young people during the summer holidays.
Dear Parents/Carers, welcome to our final news update of the 2023-24 academic year. I would like to thank parents and carers for all of their support of the students’ learning throughout the year.
On Sunday 7th July, 36 of our Year 9 students who study Mandarin flew over to the city of Kunming in the Yunnan Province of China for a 12-day trip. This was organised by the prestigious, government-funded Mandarin Excellence Programme (MEP), in which all Mandarin students at Central Foundation take part in.
In the final week of the term, Central Foundation ran Activities Week: a programme featuring a series of exciting trips and visits across the UK with the aims of educating and inspiring our students.
During Activities Week, our Year 10 students visited a wide range of workplaces to explore career possibilities and opportunities as part of our Central Futures provision. These included:
On Tuesday 23rd July, the Year 9s visited Southend to further enhance their knowledge of geography. Students particularly enjoyed the examination of constructive waves by the sea, which reinforced their understanding coastal processes and sparked interest in deposition and its connection to wooden groynes.
Our school recently hosted its annual Celebration of Culture event, highlighting the diversity and academic strength of our community. The event featured a bake sale, university challenge quizzes, a talent show, and more, bringing together students, parents, and staff over several days.